
Hello and welcome to Yerpl! As of yet, I don't know the actualy purpose for this blog, but I'm guessing that it's going to be on random topics that can be associated with anyone, or anything! Or something that I'm thinking of at the time.

I will try to complete one post a day minimum. Thanks and Enjoy!


Cartoon Wars

Posted by Yerpl on 19:06 in , , , ,
Family Guy, The Simpsons

Family Guy Vs. The Simpsons

I've been watching The Simpsons for as long as I can remember, and I have been watching Family Guy for a fair few years, but, which one is the best?

The simpsons is definately more of a "Classic Cartoon" and some scenes are unbeatable, but it does get a bit repetetive, and the old episodes are better than the new ones. It's also been going a lot longer than family guy.

Family guy, is a lot more random than the simpsons, with a lot of clips chucked in random places, it's also more offensive to people, but I would say most of the time it'f funnier than the simpsons, I would like to see a movie one day

At the moment I'm about 30% towards the simpsons, and 70% for family guy.

Go family guy!


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