Cartoon Wars
Family Guy Vs. The Simpsons
I've been watching The Simpsons for as long as I can remember, and I have been watching Family Guy for a fair few years, but, which one is the best?
The simpsons is definately more of a "Classic Cartoon" and some scenes are unbeatable, but it does get a bit repetetive, and the old episodes are better than the new ones. It's also been going a lot longer than family guy.
Family guy, is a lot more random than the simpsons, with a lot of clips chucked in random places, it's also more offensive to people, but I would say most of the time it'f funnier than the simpsons, I would like to see a movie one day
At the moment I'm about 30% towards the simpsons, and 70% for family guy.
Go family guy!
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