
Hello and welcome to Yerpl! As of yet, I don't know the actualy purpose for this blog, but I'm guessing that it's going to be on random topics that can be associated with anyone, or anything! Or something that I'm thinking of at the time.

I will try to complete one post a day minimum. Thanks and Enjoy!


First Time?

Posted by Yerpl on 20:45 in , , , , ,
I will start by saying, that I'm not the best of writers in the world, and I have never been amazing at English language, but I just want to have a go at blogging.

Theres a first for everything.

Now thats out the way..
I know what you're thinking. First post = Rubbish. Well your probably right...but i'm going to give it my best shot anyway and maybe, get some people to just silently nod along to what they're reading. Well thats the plan anyway!

Yahoo LogoI will start with the name. "Yerpl" I don't know whether it has a meaning, or its just a word I made up. Ok, it's a word I made up and it has no particular meaning, but I thought it to be quite 'catchy' and has become somewhat of a buzzword for me recently.

Maybe one day it will be used in a sentence, or as a verb. Who knows?

Yahoo originally gave me the idea for "Yerpl" because of it starting with a letter Y. I was thinking, that they're aren't that many words beginning with Y, why not make a new one?

Well anyway, thats just a little introduction for you, I don't know what I'm going to put on this blog, as of yet, but hopefully it will be interesting enough for people to read



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