
Hello and welcome to Yerpl! As of yet, I don't know the actualy purpose for this blog, but I'm guessing that it's going to be on random topics that can be associated with anyone, or anything! Or something that I'm thinking of at the time.

I will try to complete one post a day minimum. Thanks and Enjoy!


Univeristy Of Debt

Posted by Yerpl on 20:12 in , , , , ,
Welcome to university, giving you a first class honours in debt, drinking, drugs, and eating really unhealthily. But it's all good funUniverstiy Lecture! At university, you will have the best time of your life, make loads of new friends, discover new substance for some of you...alcohol MORE so, going out will be a regular occurance, hangovers will be natural, drinking will become a 2nd nature to you.

You will also re-discover napping, this is to ensure that you have enough energy to stay out late all night. And missing lectures will happen a fair bit.

Apart from all the fun you'll be having, it will come at a cost, tuition fee's are at around £3145 a year, rent can be anything from £2500+ a year, and the you will be paying for nights out, food etc. If your lucky enough to be scottish, university is free, and if you go to university in scotland, the tuition fee's are half that of other universities.
So my advice to people that are thinking of going to university are:

-Get as much money as physically possible
-Try and win the lottery if necessary
-If you like scotland, apply there to save money!
-Never turn down a night out while you're there, especially if your a first year. You only live once!
-Buy food and booze in bulk to save money
-Keep ALL change, get a piggy bank

Hope that helps! :)


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