
Hello and welcome to Yerpl! As of yet, I don't know the actualy purpose for this blog, but I'm guessing that it's going to be on random topics that can be associated with anyone, or anything! Or something that I'm thinking of at the time.

I will try to complete one post a day minimum. Thanks and Enjoy!


If I won the lottery..

Posted by Yerpl on 15:02 in , ,
I would never feel the same again! The things you could do, the people you could help, the places you could see! You would never have to work again, I could become even lazier, that would be delightful, and you could pretty much do what you wanted, whenever you wanted.

If I won the lottery, lets say £50,000,000 (even though I don't buy tickets) I would:

-Buy a castle on a small island
-Buy an island (might be too expensive)
-Buy houses in a few different countries
-Buy an Aston Martin Db9
-Buy an Aston Marting Db5
-Buy a Lambourghini Muira
-Buy a Jaguar E Type
-Buy a Lambourghini Countache
-Buy a Lambourghini Reventon
-Invest in a race track so I could dry all these cars like a maniac
-Give my brothers and my parents about £50k each
-Buy a luxurious boat
-Give £5,000,000 to charity
-Start a small company (maybe)

Thats just to name a few!

What would you do?


Music To My Ears

Posted by Yerpl on 15:22 in , , ,
Music SilouetteSome people often say, that they can't live without music, obviously they are lying because you wouldn't physically die. But we all know what they mean, I rarely go a day with no music involved, it would just be more boring!

I think if there was someone that didnt really listen to music, they should start looking for a favourite artist, otherwise they are missing out on probably the best thing your ears can hear, especially some of the classics, like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, just to name a few.

Also, maybe everyone should start playing an instrument, I play a few, but just learning how to play along to a song is good fun, and if you can write your own songs... even better!


Pinch, Punch, First Of the Month

Posted by Yerpl on 19:09 in ,
Its already the 1st of March and it feels like I've wasted all the time that I have had this year.

As the saying goes: "Time Flies when you're having fun" I would say I definately agree to this, over the past few months I've had some of the best days of my life. I can't say that I've climbed everest, or seen the grand canyon, but just hanging out with your friends can be even better. As long as you do it right.

As far as my productivity is going. It's not quite as I would have hoped, but still, there is plenty of time to catch up on work, but you can never miss a night out, or a chance to do nothing and just talk and have fun with your friends.


How do you like, your eggs in the morning?

Posted by Yerpl on 14:57 in ,
I like mine with a kiss
How do you like, your toast in the morning?
I like mine with a hug

Nothing beats a good fattening breakfast!

They might not be the healthiest of meals, but boy do they taste delicious! Eggs, toast, sausages, hash browns, bacon and spaghetti hoops, that my perfect breakfast. With a nice glass or orange or apple juice.

I decided to cook me up one of these bad boys today. It definately puts a smile on your face, even if you might feel sick afterwards, after force eating that last sausage. Why not? It's a waste if you throw it away!


Home Alone...

Posted by Yerpl on 21:43 in , ,
Why is it, that when you're home alone, everything, seems to be exaggerated, and you become a lot more paranoid. Right now, there is no-one else in the flat apart from me, and I'm finding myself double checking that the door is closed, and any noise seems to be louder! Dripping tap, fridge, items seem to move by themselves..spooky.

It's also a lot more boring, even if they were here, and I didnt see them for a whole day, I would somehow be less bored. I supposed it's because you know they are there, just in case.

If I was a theif, I would have attacked my flat last night, there was only me to defend it, and im not exactly hard to get past!


Will Smith

Posted by Yerpl on 23:16 in ,

Im sorry, but Will Smith has to be one of the best actors ever! He's so cool! I read somewhere that he was the highest paid actor ever, and he deserves it!

I was watching "Men In Black" the other day, it brought back good childhood memories, but also made me realise that I love Will Smith!
Even better, was the "Fresh Prince Of Belair" it was so stupid and so funny, that it's an immediate classic.

He's also a good singer, and Boom Shake the Room + Nod your head, are two of my favourite songs, if you had good taste, you would also enjoy these songs!


Hangovers - Oh what fun!

Posted by Yerpl on 13:11 in , , , ,
Beer Pyramid
After a heavy drinking session last night, I know it's inevitable, that a hangover will 'hang over' me all day like a stormy rain cloud, and right on time it decided to kick in. Why do we drink, if were just going to be feeling horrible the next day? Well..because its damn fun to get wasted.

But still, some people claim to not get hangovers! They can't exactly feel better than not going out, the next day. I wish I was more like that, however, it would give me another reason to drink more and more, therefore damaging my liver more so...

A hangover is our bodys way of telling us we are stupid and that shouldn't ever do it again, because its naughty. But wouldn't it be better if you just got told by your friend? It doesn't matter anyway, because we all know, we are going to be drinking again.


ET Phone Home?

Posted by Yerpl on 19:13 in , ,
Anybody else beleive in aliens of somekind?

I mean, I know there out there, its such a high probability there is life out there, like 100000000000000000000000 to 1 but, I'd just like to see some proof, or at least get attacked by them, that would be kind of cool, and the most terryfing experience of our lives, unless we won really easily, or they came to be friends.

People are constantly trying to communicate with outer space, such as SETI and NASA, and there have always been reports of so called "UFO's", but that could just be a pigeon holding a plate in its beak. Any sound that has been picked up, would have been made such a long time ago, that they are probably irrelvant anyway!

Anyway...We know your up there...somewhere


Cartoon Wars

Posted by Yerpl on 19:06 in , , , ,
Family Guy, The Simpsons

Family Guy Vs. The Simpsons

I've been watching The Simpsons for as long as I can remember, and I have been watching Family Guy for a fair few years, but, which one is the best?

The simpsons is definately more of a "Classic Cartoon" and some scenes are unbeatable, but it does get a bit repetetive, and the old episodes are better than the new ones. It's also been going a lot longer than family guy.

Family guy, is a lot more random than the simpsons, with a lot of clips chucked in random places, it's also more offensive to people, but I would say most of the time it'f funnier than the simpsons, I would like to see a movie one day

At the moment I'm about 30% towards the simpsons, and 70% for family guy.

Go family guy!


You can't actually live without..

Posted by Yerpl on 12:33 in , ,
..your mobile phone!

Nearly EVERYONE carries their mobile phone around with them, everywhere they go, it comes naturally to them nowadays, who knows, one day we will be born with them, attatched to our hands, it will be like having an extra thumb or something.

Even when you're at the cinema, or in a meeting, you will still be texting away, regardless of what other people think. Before the film starts, HUGE letters appear on the screen saying "PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE"...you wait for someone to make a funny joke.. then, just as Bruce Willis is about to say an epic line, the classic 'Nokia' ringtone will be echoing through the room, and you will have to wait for the DVD realease to find out what has been said.

Eventually there will be no such thing as television, or computers, they will all be contained within a mobile phone that has a holographic display or 3D image projected on your face, something ridiculous like that. Unmindful to what I just said, I love my mobile phone.


Pen and Paper at the ready

Posted by Yerpl on 23:30 in , ,
If you are ever going somewhere moderately important, always, make notes. If you don't you will find yourself forgetting what was said, or getting somewhere at the wrong time, a pen and some paper, always comes in "handy".

Back when I was at high school, I wish that I had taken more notice of what was being taught, and scribbled down more information that would have been helpful when it came to exams etc.

Notepad It's always helpful looking back over your notes, even if you have just asked for directions, if its further than 10mins away, it may be quite hard to remember all the instructions you've been given.

If you go to the doctors, and they give you instructions on what to do with your medication, or where your next appointment is (if its a big hospital) taking notes would come in good use.

So take a pen and paper with you everywhere.

Always :)


It's so true :')

Posted by Yerpl on 18:53 in , , ,
Bankys, Most things look better when you put them in a circle



Posted by Yerpl on 23:48 in , , , ,
iPod Classic
If it's too quiet, or if you just can't concentrate, listening to your mp3 player, or just listening to music in general will 'change' you, or at least get you hyper or something (depends what music you like really).

I have an iPod, or a "myPod" as I like to call them, it probably contains about 5000 songs, even though I'm no where near finished listening to all of them, I just like to know that they're there if i wanted to listen to them, I normally just listen to the same playlist "Tunes" over and over.

Some people find it easier to sleep to music, and this definately helps if theres a flat party going on next door and you can't even hear yourself think.

When I'm driving, I have to be listening to music, otherwise it seems a bit ... boring? Though I am yet to drive a supercar of any kind, and I imagine that is great fun :) When 'that fast song' comes on the speakers, you find yourself pressing the accelerator harder without realising! It's all good fun though....Unless you get caught speeding....Oops!


When theres nothing else to do....

Posted by Yerpl on 23:31 in , , ,
I always seem to find myself on the computer, as I'm writing this now, I have nothing to do, which is why I'm on the computer...again. Seriously, I must be on the comptuer about 7 hours a day, at least. It's not like I'm playing games or anything, I'm either working, facebooking, youtubing, or trying to think of ridiculous ways that can make me rich and famous!...and we all know thats not going to happen! haha!

It's almost as If I'm being told by someone, that I should find something else to do, like a new hobby or something, or at least do something more productive to do with all my spare time.

Google is always helpful when it comes to looking for new things, just type in anything relevant and I should get some ideas, anything from "Boredom Cures" to "How to make money with little effort"...I wonder how many results that search will display...hmm


Univeristy Of Debt

Posted by Yerpl on 20:12 in , , , , ,
Welcome to university, giving you a first class honours in debt, drinking, drugs, and eating really unhealthily. But it's all good funUniverstiy Lecture! At university, you will have the best time of your life, make loads of new friends, discover new substance for some of you...alcohol MORE so, going out will be a regular occurance, hangovers will be natural, drinking will become a 2nd nature to you.

You will also re-discover napping, this is to ensure that you have enough energy to stay out late all night. And missing lectures will happen a fair bit.

Apart from all the fun you'll be having, it will come at a cost, tuition fee's are at around £3145 a year, rent can be anything from £2500+ a year, and the you will be paying for nights out, food etc. If your lucky enough to be scottish, university is free, and if you go to university in scotland, the tuition fee's are half that of other universities.
So my advice to people that are thinking of going to university are:

-Get as much money as physically possible
-Try and win the lottery if necessary
-If you like scotland, apply there to save money!
-Never turn down a night out while you're there, especially if your a first year. You only live once!
-Buy food and booze in bulk to save money
-Keep ALL change, get a piggy bank

Hope that helps! :)


Youtube? Your-tube!

Posted by Yerpl on 01:55 in , , ,
I love YouTube, I think everyone does, it can keep you entertained for hours upon end, there is just so many videos to watch, it's physically impossible to watch them all.
YouTube Logo
People who use other video sites are just too stubborn to admit that youtube is the best and easiest / simplest to use or maybe they just want a change, to be different? It also has more videos than the others, making it superior.

TV programs have also been 'born' from youtube, such as RudeTube, which showed the top viewed videos, on various topics and it was obvious to see that 90% of the videos were originally uploaded on YouTube.

People can make a lot of money from uploaded a video, if its popular, then it can get a lot of views, this can lead to a lot of traffic to their website, if they have a website, or at least make money from the video itself, there is now even advertising on the videos! Eventually I think YouTube will take over the world, or at least the entertainment world.

The best part is that it is completely controlled by the users, uploading thier own content! I'm thinking YouTube / Google just watch the money roll in.
I wish I thought of YouTube first...


Touch This!

Posted by Yerpl on 22:51 in , , , ,
Media at your fingertips. Nowadays everything seems to be touchscreen, iphones, mobile phones, music players, sat nav etc, it's fun to use, very user friendly, and more appealing.

But the truth is, touch screen technology has been around for years, from computers to touch screen walls, that change colour when pressed. You even use a touch screen computer when taking your driving theory test.

Even so, they are definately what all future models of phones, mp3 players, computers will be base upon, and they're only going to get better. Holograms next? Who knows.


Wii Fit

Posted by Yerpl on 22:17 in , ,
Wii Fit JoggingCan Wii Fit actually make you healthy?

At first glance, it does seem a bit too good to be true, but after trying one for a few month's, I would definately say it makes you feel better, and does increase your overall fitness levels!

It will almost certainly increase your balance, you have to have some sort of co-ordination just to stay on the wii fit board and complete the tasks! It's also a very good source of entertainment, especially the hula-hoop exercise, I couldn't stop laughing watching my friend make a fool out of himself.

It may not be as good as working out, going to the gym or going for a jog around town, but it is definately a good healthy alternative, with entertainment included.


One of those days

Posted by Yerpl on 13:55 in ,
Good or bad, every once in a while, it will seem like your just having "one of those days". There isn't really a mood to describe it. You could just be feeling in state of nothingness, or be feeling very bland, and it seems as if you can't make up your mind about anything, or have any particular desire to do anything.

Rabbi Harold Kushner once said:
"One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have, is to wake up feeling healthy after we have been sick."

I woke up today knowing it wasn't going to be a good day, but then again, knowing it wasn't going to be a bad day! So after having just "one of those days" , I'm hoping I will wake up the next day feeling absolutely fabulous!


Caught my eye...

Posted by Yerpl on 01:54 in , , , ,
I was just browsing through youtube, and this particular video caught my eye, I think it is absolutely amazing! Someone must have enough time and dedication in order to comlplete this video and its very cool!


1 of your 5-a-day!

Posted by Yerpl on 16:19 in , , ,
I feel like its getting harder and harder, to munch away on 5 piece's of fruit and "veg" everyday! Anybody else feeling the same way?

FruitI would like to think I could manage 5 pieces a day, and it sounds healthy as well! It's not like it tastes bad or anything, some fruit is absolutely delicious, but I just cant manage it.

Just looking at the picture makes me want to buy a melon, or at least eat some of the fruit that I have right next to me...but I will probably make a bacon sandwich instead.

I know that it is recommended to eat 5 piece's of fruit and "veg" everyday in order to sustain a healthy diet, but in other countries this can be considerably more than this, I heard somwhere that in japan, 14 piece's a day is considered healthy, this might be a rumour, but thats what I heard.

Anybody manage 5 or more a day?


Why Do I Use Facebook?

Posted by Yerpl on 00:45 in , ,
Why do people use facebook?

If you think about it, it's not like, its amazing or anything, but everyone uses it! Even I find myself checking it everytime I'm on the computer, I wouldn't call it an addiction, but it is

Facebook Logo

definately something I like to do everyday, "Facebook-ing" as I like to call it. Sometimes you find yourself just sitting there hitting the refresh button, hoping for a new notification, or a picture comment.

Even though it's main use, is for communication, it is a new way to talk to people, as well as getting to know new friends and a good way to stay in touch with old ones.

Of course there are added extras, like applications, sharing pictures / videos, but don't get me wrong, facebook is a fantastic website, but I'm not quite sure, why, I'm on it all the time and I wonder why I'm not doing something else at the time.
Ask yourself the same question.


First Time?

Posted by Yerpl on 20:45 in , , , , ,
I will start by saying, that I'm not the best of writers in the world, and I have never been amazing at English language, but I just want to have a go at blogging.

Theres a first for everything.

Now thats out the way..
I know what you're thinking. First post = Rubbish. Well your probably right...but i'm going to give it my best shot anyway and maybe, get some people to just silently nod along to what they're reading. Well thats the plan anyway!

Yahoo LogoI will start with the name. "Yerpl" I don't know whether it has a meaning, or its just a word I made up. Ok, it's a word I made up and it has no particular meaning, but I thought it to be quite 'catchy' and has become somewhat of a buzzword for me recently.

Maybe one day it will be used in a sentence, or as a verb. Who knows?

Yahoo originally gave me the idea for "Yerpl" because of it starting with a letter Y. I was thinking, that they're aren't that many words beginning with Y, why not make a new one?

Well anyway, thats just a little introduction for you, I don't know what I'm going to put on this blog, as of yet, but hopefully it will be interesting enough for people to read


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